Involvement from the Public
There are many ways to help us achieve our goals. Everyone can volunteer and help in some way at our cleanup events. We need volunteers to help with set up and registration on the day of events. Adult team leaders are needed to work with volunteers on cleanup days. Documentation of our activities with photos and videos is needed and very important so we can continue to share our work and progress. If you are unable to join us on the day of an event make a donation.
Involvement from Businesses
Your organization could make a commitment to a monthly donation or provide sponsorship of dumpsters used in our recycle program and our cleanups. Involvement at one of our events from a group of employees within your organization provides great publicity. If your business is interested in making Puerto Rico cleaner and greener we would love to work with you and explore avenues which will benefit your company and everyone who lives and visits the island.
LimPiaR has been helped by the following: BDO PR, Rev Systems and Polytechnic University.
LimPiaR has continued support from Metro MSP.